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Pricing is for Top/Bottom Banner Ad Side Box Ad
Dimensions in pixels 728X90 300x250
advertisement on a category/state wide pages for six-months $50 $50

How it works

Submit the form below, select category and location page(s) where your banner will be displayed. You can select multiple pages. Upload your banner. You can select multiple pages. Upload your banner. Allow 24hrs for a review.

If you have any questions or need help click here to contact us or call us 1 866 960 4730

Top/Bottom Banner Ad
This placement is available as a shared space on any page. Up to five advertisers rotate randomly between the top and bottom position on a page, displaying each banner ad to 40% of the viewing traffic (20% in the top position and 20% in the bottom position). The top/bottom banner space on all pages is shared by up to five advertisers. The price quoted for the top/ bottom banner is for 20% of the rotation (1 of 5). You can purchase additional rotations if available.

Side Box Ad
 Side ads randomly change position with each visit (or page refresh) but are always visible to every viewer of the page. Most pages have no more than four side ads, meaning you are in the top position 25% of the time. Side box ads jungle positions (from top to bottom) with the other side ads on the same page but the ads appear to 100% of all page views.